In 1983 production from the initial 13 wells began and by 1984 the reservoir was producing at a peak of 100,000 barrels of oil per day. Other wells, including seven water injection wells were drilled once the platform had been installed.
The oil was then stored in the three tanks, (the three tanks are the the main structure that was built at Hunterston), at regular intervals it was loaded onto a tanker situated 1.5 miles away which was connected by pipeline to the platform tanks. Each of the three tanks were linked and had a total capacity of 220,000 bbls of oil storage.
In 1988, the Maureen owners discovered the Moira field, located some ten kilometres away from the Maureen platform. Moira was developed as a satellite field with a single sub-sea well and connected to the Maureen platform by two small pipelines and a control umbilical. The oil from Moira was processed onboard the Maureen platform and exported to tankers via the pipeline. Some four million barrels of oil were produced from Moira during field life